Wild at Heart BASIC - Oct 2023 DoubleK

Wild at Heart BASIC - Oct 2023 DoubleK

Wild at Heart BASIC - Oct 2023 DoubleK

BASIC is not a retreat about the “seven things a man ought to do to be a nicer guy.”  It is a four-day quest into the recovery of a man’s masculine soul, the release of a man’s heart—his passions and his true nature—all given him by God.

BASIC brings the Wild At Heart BOOTCAMP experience to you!

4:00 PM Thursday, October 26th, through Sunday Noon, October 29th, 2023

Double K Retreat and Adventure Center, Easton, Washington



Areas Covered

We are seeking connections with leaders and followers through the Pacific Northwest USA and the world!

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"But if We Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, We Have Fellowship With one Another, and the Blood of Jesus, His son, Purifies Us From all sin." 1 John 1:7

Thanks for contacting Allied Kings Network. We look forward to hearing from and connecting with you and fulfilling God's desire. Please, send us your questions, comments, or feedback.